Take Action

The Rogers County Democrats welcome all who are interested in making a difference here in Oklahoma.

We have many opportunities for volunteers, including helping to organize our monthly meetings, participating in local parades and events, and planning our summer picnic and winter holiday party.

Here are a few other opportunities:

Rogers County has 33 precincts. Several of our members have taken on the project of texting one precinct, once a month, in the week preceding the monthly meeting, as a way to build attendance and awareness. The lists are only Democrats. It’s a simple process that can be done at your convenience, and a typical precinct list may have anywhere from 60 to 150 names. Contact George Schaefer at gschaef791@yahoo.com to find out how to get involved.

In the course of the coming year we will be doing a number of postcard mailings. We’ll need volunteers at the office to stick on mailing labels and postage. It’s a simple task that just requires a few extra pairs of hands. Contact George Schaefer for this as well.

As the election season accelerates, we will begin keeping the office open for several hours a week to distribute yard signs and candidate literature, register voters, and to answer questions of anyone who stops by. Shifts will be short the more people who step up to help. The staffing will be managed by Women Empowered. Contact Sharon Douthitt at sdouthitt@prodigy.net .

We will be hosting our annual summer picnic at Claremore Lake on Saturday, July 13. Our picnic last year was the first since the pandemic and it went great! If you would like to pitch in, please contact Sue Lamb at mslamb49@gmail.com . There will be lots to do.

Watch this space for more information.

The intent of the Oklahoma Democratic Party is for every precinct to have officers, a chair, a vice-chair and a secretary. In practice this is rarely the case. Of the 33 precincts in Rogers County, only 14 have any officers at all. This is not a demanding position. It consists mainly in being in touch with your Democratic neighbors and encouraging participation in meetings and events. If you are intersted in being a precinct officer contact County Party Chair Gerry Mooney at gerry@mooneyart.com .