August meeting largest since before the pandemic

August’s meeting on the 29th was the largest gathering since before the pandemic, which is saying something. With the energy created by the unprecedented candidacy of Kamala Harris, turnout has been growing and volunteers are stepping up as never before to help us move the election season to a satisfying close.

There are still volunteer opportunities, staffing the office to sell yard signs, register voters, distribute literature and answer questions. Contact us through our Facebook page at

Enjoy these many crowd scenes!

July meeting brings lots of new faces

Our monthly July meeting on the 25th was not only one of the best attended meetings lately, but there were lots of first-timers. Of course the group was energized by KAMALA!! Such energizing news at such a key moment made this past week seem truly historic.

Our guest speaker was RSU Political Science Professor Kenneth Hicks, speaking about his Book-in-progress, American Kulturkampf. It’s a great, in-depth work that analyzes how cultures in the 19th and 20th centuries were created at the intersection of religion and nationalism. He had a well-produced slide show and afterwards, he took questions, which led to some interesting conversations.

Some of the attentive audience on Thursday

Among other topics discussed, we heard more about our Vice-chair Paula Strickland going to Chicago to help nominate our next president. We also heard about a plan in the works from Rae Ann Wilson, Chair of Congressional District 2, in cahoots with our State Party Chair, Alicia Andrews. They are planning a series of events in black townships throughout the state and they hope to attract some national media attention. And they just might! We will post more when we hear anything.